Monday, April 10, 2017

Dinner Rolls

So last night the hubby was going through Facebook videos on our new Facebook video app on our AppleTV. One of the videos we watched was about baking simple dinner rolls! I think I woke up with that on my mind today and decided to look a recipe up on Pinterest and do it!  It was a very easy recipe but took time to let the dough rise. They turned out WONDERFUL, so I thought I'd share the recipe!

Deena saw me starting to bake and wanted to join in on the fun! We got out her play dough tools and she had fun making her own "bread" :)

Here's the Pinterest recipe I used:

Here are some pics of how it turned out!

Dinner rolls fresh out of the oven!

Deena's formed dough ready for the oven!

Deena forming her own dough, my dinner rolls lined up ready to rise again