Thursday, June 23, 2016


I started this blog MANY years ago while living in nyc! It was originally created as a place to send all of my out of town guests for recommendations of my absolute favorite places to eat, visit, and shop while in nyc.  If you're headed to nyc, the blog still exists, and they're still most of my favorite places!  You may want to check their websites before heading there in case anything's changed since I left nyc!  Here's the link to check it out:

After getting married, moving to Jacksonville, Florida, and now having 2 kids, I've decided to have this page evolve to reflect my life these days! I have become a Pinterest queen and LOVE to cook something new from it almost daily! I also have a two year old and 8 week old that I'm home with and use Pinterest to come up with activities and ideas of things to do with them! I still consider myself a foodie and occasionally when I find a place I love here in Jacksonville, I'll post about that!

So here my new endeavour as a stay at home mom blog beginning!
(If you click on the title New Endeavours at the top, it will take you to all my blog postings)

1 comment:

  1. Best best wishes to your new endeavor Dahlia!!!! May you be surrounded by love and fun all the time from the girls and enjoy each day being with them!! big hugs, Jui
