Thursday, June 30, 2016

Kid stuff!

Since I've been off on maternity leave, I've been trying to get my 2 year old involved in some activities every day to keep her occupied and continue her learning! We signed up for art class and music class at our local Gymboree (she LOVES art class there) and every Friday we try to attend the toddler story time at the South Madarin library. The teacher reads a story, teaches a letter, sings songs, and does a craft with the kiddos - all for free! Afterwards we like to go into the kids library area and play with some of the toys they have there and, of course, get new books. Deena really loves this week's book choices which include 2 favorites that my husband and I have had to read over and over again - "Big Girl Panties" (we're potty trained, but still working out some kinks!!!!) and "May I Please Have a Cookie?". This book is about a kid that tries all of these different ways to get a cookie that his mom is baking and the mom keeps telling him no and to think of a better way. He finally learns that he has to say PLEASE in order to get one! So of course, at 7pm after reading the book for the 3rd time, Deena says "mommy can I have a cookie PLEASE", so who am I to deny her?  We got up and baked some cookies.

A few years ago I got the Tates cook book and it has a bunch of dessert recipes in it. If you've never tried Tates cookies, you must! For my New Yorkers, it's the thin, crispy cookie sold in Le Pain Quotidien and originally created in Long Island.

So here's the recipe and some pics of our cookie making! Just FYI - I didn't have macadamia nuts, so I just followed the recipe without them :)

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