Monday, October 3, 2016

Chana and Potatoes

This is one of my favorite, go-to recipes!  It's super easy and tasty - especially if you have some fresh roti skins to go with it!  I decided to make some white rice to go with it so it would be easier for my 2 year old and my husband to go with for lunch tomorrow!

I use the recipe found in the Naparima's Cookbook (if you like West Indian food - you need to get this cookbook!!!).  I tweaked the recipe a little because I didn't have enough chana (chickpeas) or potatoes so I needed to add a little more to it to make it hearty.  I decided to cut up a sweet potato and some carrots to supplement the one can of chickpeas and the 2 potatoes I had.  I also added about a quarter tin of coconut milk to the pot when adding the water.  I think the coconut milk gives it a richness that's always missing when I don't add it.

My husband also steamed a piece of breadfruit and made an easy eggplant and tomato dish to go along with it!

Here's how the Chana and Potatoes came out!

Complete plate of food: chana and potatoes, white rice and green peas, eggplant and tomatoes, and steamed breadfruit!

Adding the chickpeas at the end and stirring

Adding the potatoes and carrots to the curry mixture

Cooking the curry with some oil, onions, and garlic

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