Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The last two weeks....

Well hello there!  It's been a few weeks since I've posted!  But if you follow me on Instagram, you'll know I've been VERY busy with my two little ones and my sister and her little one in town!  I did cook a few AMAZING dishes that I want to share and so I decided to just put up a pic and the link to the Pinterest page that I used for the recipe :)

Here are my zucchini and carrot muffins!  I make these ALL the time because my husband and 2 year old love them!  They're made with no sugar and use maple syrup instead!

Rice stuffed peppers!  I used my mom's recipe for the rice which she usually makes her stuffed grape leaf and cabbage rolls with!

We also stuffed some of the peppers with a ground turkey mix that my sister made and topped those ones off with cheese!

The peppers before going into the oven

My sister made us a classic Egyptian breakfast dish called "foul".  This is made with fava beans and some lemon and cumin!  Soooooo Yummy!

This is one of my go-to breakfast dishes when people come into town!  They are crustless quiches made with whatever frozen mixed veg bag I have on hand, eggs, and cheese put into muffin tins and baked!

My sister found a recipe for a veggie burger made with red kidney beans and potatoes mashed together and pan fried. They turned out great!!!! Now, I'm a MEAT EATER, so I wouldn't call this a burger, but it was a good patty and a nice alternative :)

Mashed kidney bean, potatoes, and seasoning before making into patties

Baked macaroni pie!  This is the West Indian version of mac and cheese!  So yummy with some grated onion, mustard, a can of cream of mushroom soup, carrots, and a seasoning pepper!
Check the Trinidadian Naparima Girls Cook Book I always reference for the recipe!

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