Sunday, November 6, 2016

Baked Potato Soup

My LOVE for baked potato soup started about 20 years ago when I was an intern in my 1st school back in when I was in college.  My supervising teacher decided to make baked potato soup in a crock pot and bring it for a few of us for lunch one day.  It was the BEST potato soup I've ever had and still cant' quite seem to replicate it exactly!  I also want to start this by saying that I am NOT a soup person.  I'm not one of those people that makes or buys soup regularly, but there are 2 kinds of soup that I can't resist, but ONLY when they're REALLY, REALLY good!  The first is a tomato soup!  I LOVE the tomato soup at "The Smith" restaurants in NYC (check my nyc blog for more) and the one that they make here at Panera is good too! The only other soup I ever buy is potato, but it is VERY rare because most places make it with bacon or ham :(  Even the recipe that I have here from Pinterest calls for bacon.  Whenever a recipe calls for bacon, I just use some chicken stock instead.  This is one of the best recipes I've found for baked potato here it is:
I find that this recipe makes a REALLY large amount of soup, so I always half it and there's still plenty.  I also like to add a little garlic and onion powder to the soup along with a bouillon cube to give it a little extra flavor!  Now, this may be because I don't have the bacon, so those of you using bacon, may want to try the recipe as is before adding these things!

Here's how my soup turned out!

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