Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gingersnap Cookies!!!!

Tis the season for Gingersnap cookies! Yay!  I'm very picky with my Gingersnap cookies and don't like them soft and chewy, but I do like a little bite to them.  I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought I'd give them a shot!  I'm sooooooo glad I did - they're PERFECT!!!!

The recipe calls for rolling them in sugar before flattening them and putting them on the baking tray.  I decided to skip this step.  I don't like putting cookies in my mouth that are covered in sugar.  I also listened to the instructions that said you MUST cool this dough before rolling and baking it!  I put them in the freezer for a half an hour and they were perfect!

Here's the Pinterest recipe that I used:

Here's how mine turned out!!!
Cold dough

Rolled into a ball and then flattened before going into the oven

Fresh out of the oven

My 2 year old LOVES to lick the spoon!

Helping mommy bake

Eating Cheerios while Deena and I bake!

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