Monday, September 26, 2016

Overnight Oats

Now that we're back from vacation, it's time to get back into our regular routine!  Part of that routine is helping the hubby out with breakfast for his workdays.  I HATE oatmeal! LOL.  But my husband and 2 year old love it!  I found this idea on Pinterest a few years ago and have been making it for my husband ever since.  I usually make batches of 4 at a time and it lasts him the week at work.  I start by putting some oatmeal at the bottom of a jar, I top it with some fresh grated nutmeg, cinnamon, salt, sliced almonds, raisins, and a teaspoon of brown sugar.  That's all!  Each morning he pours boiling water over it and lets it sit until he gets to work and then eats it.  It's super quick and easy!

Here's what it looks like:

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