Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Steak Roll Ups!

I keep seeing a post on my Facebook feed about how to make Steak Roll Ups and decided to give it a try!  It was actually SOOOOOOO easy and I will definitely be making them again!  I bought a package of thin steaks and had a bunch of veggies in the fridge and decided to make it.  I marinated my steaks in that great Trader Joe's Soyaki Sauce I always talk about and then cut all of my veggies into thin strips.  I used green and yellow zuccini, onion, cabbage, and carrots.  Again, this is just what I had in my fridge, so that's what I used!  I sprinkled some onion and garlic powder over my veggies and then rolled a few of each into the steak with a sprig of cilantro and some sticks of chive.  I then used a couple of toothpicks to keep it together and seared the steaks on my cast iron skillet.  After they were seared on each side, I placed them in a glass dish that had my favorite BBQ sauce (Diane's from Canada) in the bottom and then put a little on top of each of my roll ups and popped it in the oven on 300 for 10 minutes.  I placed it under the broiler for another 5 minutes and that was it!

Another one of my favorite kitchen things is my steamer!  I bought the one I have about 15 years ago at a garage sale and absolutely love it!  It has multiple layers for steaming and a rice dish so that you can cook multiple things at the same time!  I steamed some basmati rice while I was making the roll ups and served them both for lunch!  SOOOOO yummy!

Here are some pics of the process:

Finished product!

This is how my 2 year old ate it! I just cut it up into pieces and mixed it into the rice.

Searing the meat

On the cast iron grill

Meat rolled up with veggies

All the veggies I put inside

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