Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Ginger, Oat, Banana Muffins

Three years ago, I had recently moved to Jacksonville and was preggers with my first! I hadn't landed a teaching job yet and began watching "The Chew"almost daily! Daphne Oz and I were pregnant at the same time (this happened twice actually!!!) and she made a muffin recipe for morning sickness!  I was one of the lucky ones that didn't actually get morning sickness with either of my littles (thank God!!!), but I did get bouts of dizziness and so I decided to give it a try!  It actually turned out to be one of my family's favorite recipes and I have made it a million times since then!  My husband, daughter, sister, cousins, friends, etc. all LOVE it and I tend to make them whenever people come into town - just because! It's SUPER easy and the best part is that it's made with great ingredients!  There's NO FLOUR in the recipe!!!!  It's made with oat flour (you just put regular oatmeal into a blender and voila - oat flour) and cinnamon and ginger and yogurt and molasses and mashed up bananas - great stuff!  There are a few other ingredients so check the recipe, but I almost always make them when we have a few bananas left that are about to go bad!

Since being preggers with my first, I have watched "The Chew" on and off (depending on my work schedule) and have to say - I really LOVE it!  I get inspired by them ALL the time and regularly remake things they've done on the show :)

Here's the original recipe:

Now.....I ALWAYS add chocolate chips to this recipe!  I think it's a deal breaker!  But I know some family and friends have made it without and love it just the same - trust me - add the chocolate chips!!!! I also skip adding the 1/4 cup of brown sugar because I add the chocolate chips. I also added flax seeds today's recipe and it was great!

Here's how mine turned out today:

Fresh out of the oven!

 Before going into the oven

Deena helping me mix the dry ingredients

Deena adding the cinnamon

Friday, December 9, 2016

Cinnamon Buns!

I was on Pinterest the other night just randomly looking through pins and came across this recipe for making "Cinnabon" Cinnamon Buns and thought "why not?!?!?!".  Picked up some of the ingredients this morning with the kiddos after story time at our local library and then began the process during "group nap" time!  As I was making the dough, I realized I didn't have enough flour (of course I realize this in the middle of the process and not while I'm at the store buying the ingredients!!!), and so I used about a cup and a half of whole wheat flour.  When my 2 year old woke up from nap, she helped me add the cinnamon center and roll it out :)  I love letting her help me in the kitchen! I think she has an appreciation for how things are made and always likes to help!

These are fresh out of the oven and I just had a chance to taste them! Soooooo yummy!!!  I have to say though....I think the whole wheat flour made them a little grainy, I probably WON'T be using it again!  LOL!

Here's the Pinterest recipe I followed:

Here's how they turned out:
Fresh out of the oven before being frosted!

After adding the frosting

Making the cream cheese frosting found in the recipe

Allowing them to rise another 30 min. before putting them in the oven to bake

Rolling it up!

Adding the cinnamon mixture for the center

Deena working on her rolling skills!!!

Cinnamon mixture

Dough after rising an hour

Deena helping mix!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Carrot, Ginger, Turmeric Soup!

My husband said he tried a phenomenal butternut squash soup at Panera earlier this week and I had randomly pinned this soup recipe on the same day.  I decided to give it a try today!  Unfortunately, the link didn't work through Pinterest, but all of the ingredients were listed below the photo and so I used those ingredients and used another recipe as a guide.  It actually turned out SOOOOOOO good!  I'm not really a soup person, but my husband is, and I got his stamp of approval on this one!

Here are the two recipes I used as a guide:
This is the one I used as a guide.  I did the beginning steps as stated with the green onions, garlic, and ginger in the coconut oil. I then added the cinnamon, turmeric, salt, and carrots also like it said.  But then I added a few items from the original recipe I pinned:
I added a little curry powder, half a tin of coconut milk, water, and I even added some of the turkey broth that I have saved from Thanksgiving!

Here's what it looks like:

After blending and putting back in pot

Blending all the ingredients together after carrots have softened

Ingredients simmering together

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gingersnap Cookies!!!!

Tis the season for Gingersnap cookies! Yay!  I'm very picky with my Gingersnap cookies and don't like them soft and chewy, but I do like a little bite to them.  I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought I'd give them a shot!  I'm sooooooo glad I did - they're PERFECT!!!!

The recipe calls for rolling them in sugar before flattening them and putting them on the baking tray.  I decided to skip this step.  I don't like putting cookies in my mouth that are covered in sugar.  I also listened to the instructions that said you MUST cool this dough before rolling and baking it!  I put them in the freezer for a half an hour and they were perfect!

Here's the Pinterest recipe that I used:

Here's how mine turned out!!!
Cold dough

Rolled into a ball and then flattened before going into the oven

Fresh out of the oven

My 2 year old LOVES to lick the spoon!

Helping mommy bake

Eating Cheerios while Deena and I bake!

Roasted Chickpeas

I bought a bag of roasted chickpeas with sea salt from Home Goods a while back and I've been craving them ever since!  I figured they can't be that hard to make myself, so I found a Pinterest recipe and attempted making them today!  They turned out great, but the recipe said to wait until they were crunchy, so I kept leaving them in for a little longer.  I think it should have said that they'll get harder once they're out of the oven, so to take them out a little sooner than you think.

By the way.....if you have never tried some of the cool stuff in the food aisle at Home Goods, I strongly recommend it!  I've bought some of their non-GMO corn kernels to make popcorn with and some of their organic, made from juice, pomegranate gummy bears and they're FABULOUS.  If you're willing to experiment, their food aisle is great for that!

Here's the Pinterest recipe I used for the chickpeas:

Here's how they turned out!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Crack Slaw

My husband and I decided to try and go as light as possible with regards to food this week leading up to Thanksgiving!  He found this recipe for cabbage and beef on Pinterest last night and sent it to me!  We decided to skip the beef part though and just make the cabbage.  When I went to the recipe, the author wrote that it is actually called "Crack Slaw" because of how good it tastes!  This recipe was super easy to prepare and she's right - it tastes amazing, but is sooooo simple!

Check out the recipe below:

I also added some sliced celery and orange pepper because it's what I had in the fridge!

Here's what it looks like:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Garlic Butter Shrimp!

This recipe was the first recipe I ever Pinned on Pinterest back in the day!  It's actually called a butter, Italian shrimp, but I add the garlic to it!  It's SUPER easy and really tasty!  The whole thing takes only about 20 minutes!  Melt a stick and a half of butter in the oven on the tray you're going to cook the shrimp in.  Thinly slice some lemons and lay them over the melted butter.  Layer the shrimp over the lemon slices and add italian seasoning and some salt and pepper.....and that's it!  15 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees and you're done!  I like to add some fresh, chopped garlic to the melting butter in the oven to give it a little kick.  I also steamed some sugar snap peas on the side and made some white rice.  Easy Peasy!

Here's how it turned out:

My 2 year old's dinner - everything just chopped up over rice :)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

French Toast

One of my dad's specialities growing up was his French Toast.  He would mix together a whole bunch of things and throw it in the pan and voila! French Toast!  Now, my sister also makes a mean French Toast and my husband sometimes asks me to make her French Toast.  She has more of a recipe or finesse to her recipe and so I've sort of adopted her way of making it!  I baked some fresh bread earlier this week (check the blog post!) and my husband asked me to make some French Toast with the remainder of it this weekend!  So here it is!

Here's the Pinterest recipe that I loosely followed:
I also added a little brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the egg mixture!  The cinnamon, vanilla, and salt are KEY ingredients!

Yummy!  The other key ingredient is MAPLE SYRUP!!!

Here's my 2 year old's breakfast!

Browning the other side

Placing the soaked bread on the hot griddle

I absolutely LOVE this Calphalon griddle pan!

Baked Potato Soup

My LOVE for baked potato soup started about 20 years ago when I was an intern in my 1st school back in when I was in college.  My supervising teacher decided to make baked potato soup in a crock pot and bring it for a few of us for lunch one day.  It was the BEST potato soup I've ever had and still cant' quite seem to replicate it exactly!  I also want to start this by saying that I am NOT a soup person.  I'm not one of those people that makes or buys soup regularly, but there are 2 kinds of soup that I can't resist, but ONLY when they're REALLY, REALLY good!  The first is a tomato soup!  I LOVE the tomato soup at "The Smith" restaurants in NYC (check my nyc blog for more) and the one that they make here at Panera is good too! The only other soup I ever buy is potato, but it is VERY rare because most places make it with bacon or ham :(  Even the recipe that I have here from Pinterest calls for bacon.  Whenever a recipe calls for bacon, I just use some chicken stock instead.  This is one of the best recipes I've found for baked potato here it is:
I find that this recipe makes a REALLY large amount of soup, so I always half it and there's still plenty.  I also like to add a little garlic and onion powder to the soup along with a bouillon cube to give it a little extra flavor!  Now, this may be because I don't have the bacon, so those of you using bacon, may want to try the recipe as is before adding these things!

Here's how my soup turned out!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sleep.....or lack there of!

Over the last few weeks I've had several conversations with other moms about sleep, both their own sleep and their children's sleep!  I think you go into pregnancy and deciding to have children knowing you'll be tired and won't get any sleep, but it's not until you're really in it, that you realize it's WAAAAYYYYY worse than you were prepared for....LOL!  The worst of it hits you a few weeks before you actually give birth and it usually lasts until around your child is 6 months!  After that, it gets better....but never quite the same as before you had children :)

I was watching The Chew today and Daphne was talking about how she can't nap since having kids because she hears everything!  I feel exactly the same way!  I used to nap all the time....I LOVED a cat nap...but not anymore.  Whether the kiddos are in the house or with daddy outside of the house, it's just not possible to nap anymore...I don't know what it is, but I just can't!

Now, as far as the kids sleep goes, another thing that you hear about before having kids is sleep training! Ha!  No one actually tells you that you have to go through this process over and over and over again though!  You think you do it once and then it's done - not true!  Every time there's a "growth spurt" or some sort of a "change", you end up doing it all over again!  I joke with my mommy friends that God created a way to torture parents that you never knew even existed until you had children!  The piercing sound of your child screaming at bedtime is the absolute worst feeling in the world!  I know I've been pretty negative so far, but I like to keep it real!  It does get better eventually, but, let's not pretend!  Sleep training SUCKS!  

My husband and I chose to do the "cry it out" method of sleep training with our little ones.  Now, this was WAAAAAAAYYYY worse with my first one than it was with my second.  You've probably heard from many people before that the 2nd child is always easier than the first.  Now, I don't know if I believe that's true for everyone, but in my case - it absolutely is.  I believe with Deena, we had so many people around that were always holding her and picking her up and playing with her, that she became so used to the attention and being held which made sleep training that much harder.  Also, as a first time mom, I slept with one eye on the monitor and one eye shut, which meant I NEVER actually slept.  I was worried about every sound, toss, and turn - it never ended.  We didn't even start sleep training her until she was 9 months and my doctor said if we don't do it now, we're going to have to do it later anyways and "don't you want to sleep?" he said!  LOL!  We started sleep training the night of her doctor's appointment and now wonder why we didn't start sooner!??!?!?!

Like I said, we did the cry it out method.  Give a kiss, say goodnight, put on the music, and leave.  Let her cry (or scream) for 5 minutes, go in, give her a pat, tell her it will be ok, and leave again.  Let her cry (or scream) for 10 minutes and repeat the process.  Keep doing it and add a few minutes to the wait time each time and eventually they fall asleep!  Again, this is absolute torture for the parents listening and watching the monitor and waiting - but if you just stick with it (talk with your significant other, tell  yourselves you'll give it a week of no rest) - I promise it works!  It only took about 3 days of doing this and voila!  We were sleeping through the night!  

Now with my second one (who didn't get all the attention and wasn't being held all the time) she sort of set her own schedule, she slept when she was tired!  It was lovely! But now I'm at the 6 month mark and believe I need to put her on a schedule.  We started sleep training with her over a month ago and she's been lovely.  She just kind of goes to sleep.  We've had only one or two torturous nights with the screaming, but only for a few minutes and it's done.  I also learned my lesson with this one like not letting her fall asleep while feeding, not rocking and coddling at bedtime, I don't even have a baby monitor this time around!

Now Deena, our 2 and a half year old, is back in sleep training mode in her "big girl room" and "big girl bed".  We're going on 2 weeks of her staying in her bed all night :)  It's fabulous, but took some work and sleepless nights!  She loves nothing more than creeping into our room in the middle of the night and finding herself in our bed.  We've finally stopped this by having to get up when she comes in and walk her back to her bed.  Kiss on the head, tucked back in, and say goodnight again.  It's exhausting but it's putting in the work now so we can have nights of sleep again!  When we first moved her into her "big girl bed" around her 2nd bday, we again took the advice of our doctor to take the knob off the door and turn it around so that the lock is on the outside.  He told us to leave the door unlocked but tell her we would lock it.  Each time she got out of bed, we walked her back to the bed and told her we would lock the door if she got up.  Did that 3 times and then on the 3rd time, actually lock the door.  Then.....wait for the crying (screaming).....time it.....go in and soothe....and then eventually, she would fall asleep.  We were also told to never go to bed without unlocking the door!  

Now, I hope I'm not jinxing myself by writing this post, but we are officially sleep trained at my house and hoping that this lasts a while!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thai Coconut Curry Soup!

So, I've decided to try something NEW!  Over the last several years, I've developed a love for Asian/Thai flavors and have tried to replicate several of my favorite recipes.  I've also discovered how EASY it is to cook with rice noodles and decided that today I would try a Thai soup!  It was fairly easy and SOOOOO flavorful!  My hubby's going to LOVE this one!

I followed this recipe on Pinterest:

Here's how it turned out!


All the ingredients blended together before adding the shrimp

Red curry with onions and ginger

Soaked Rice Noodles