Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Grilled Sword Fish

My husband loves thick, steak-like fish and so we recently bought some frozen Sword Fish from Publix.  I much prefer soft, white, flaky fish, but I decided to make his fish tonight.  After thawing it, I marinated it in that amazing Soyaki sauce from Trader Joe's that I posted about before and then grilled it in my cast iron grill pan.  I used some olive oil and then grilled the fish on one side and then added some fresh mushroom, sliced onions, and sugar snap peas.  I added some salt, pepper, and vegetable seasoning and left it for a few minutes and then grilled the other side.  I also made some wild rice and steamed some Bok Choy and fresh Okra from our garden!

I have to say, that normally I DON'T like this type of fish, but it actually was very tasty and I ate my entire piece!

Here's how it turned out:

Grilled fish and veggies

Wild Rice

Bok Choy and Okra

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